
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Let Me Introduce You....

In preparation for a Relief Society lesson I came across this quote from Elder H. Burke Peterson.

“I have often wondered what would happen if the method of introducing a father to his newborn child were different. Instead of a doctor coming out and saying, ‘It’s another girl,’ or ‘It’s another boy,’ how would we react if each time a child was born our Father in Heaven made this kind of introduction to the parents:
“ ‘Thank you for preparing this little body for the spirit I have created. Now, I present her to you for a season to care for. Please teach her of me and of my Son. I so much want her back with me some day. … Remember this: She is loving. She will respond to teaching. She wants to learn. Please treat her with respect. The road will not be easy. Some of the time it will be most difficult. I want to help you raise her. Please call on me often for advice and counsel. Together we can help her fulfill her purpose in the earth.’ ” (Ensign, Jan. 1973, p. 115.)

This brought tears to my eyes and made me grateful that I have been given the opportunity to assist in giving some of Heavenly Father's children a mortal experience. What a great responsibility and blessing it is to be a parent!


  1. Thank you for the reminder. Rachel got up extra early, is ornery and now testing the nap boundaries. I'll say another prayer and be more patient.

  2. Great quote (made me tear up as well). Thanks for the reminder. We all need to be reminded of that daily.

  3. It brought tears to my eyes as well. Now I want to go give my kids a big hug! :)

  4. That is a neat way of putting it. It would help to remember those things more often.
