
Monday, October 26, 2009

Kimball Supports Breast Cancer Awareness Week

So this weekend Kimball went out on a limb and bought a really nice pink shirt with blue stripes on it. He actually got a little dressed up to go to school. I must say that I welcome the new apparel and am sick of t-shirts and basketball jerseys. When he got home from school I asked if anyone noticed his nice shirt. He said, "Yeah and you'll never guess what today was? It was breast cancer awareness week and a few kids thought that he was a supporter of breast cancer awareness." Can you think of anything more embarrassing for an 8th grade boy. It made me laugh.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sophia Interviews Mr. Thumbtacker

In her increasing attempt to show her big-girl-ness, Sophia has started to answer the telephone when someone calls the house. She is quite the conversationalist and is more than willing to visit with whomever calls. I can only guess what the other part of her conversations sound like, but her side usually starts well enough. An example from a phone call today with an important recruiter trying to contact Mark on a job prospect.

Sophia: Hello

Caller: Is Mark home?

Sophia: What?

Caller: Is Mark home?

Sophia: WHO?!

Caller: Is your daddy home?

Sophia: Who is this?

Caller: Brent Packer.

Sophia: WHO IS IT?

Caller: Brent Packer.

Caller: Is your mommy home?

Next, with the phone still to her mouth, Sophia finds me and says...
"Mom, a thumbtacker wants Dad."

When I finally got to the phone the caller politely told me, "I think your daughter got my name wrong, I'm Brent Packer".

Knowing Sophia it could have been worse... a thumb sucker, a cake baker, or a butt scratcher all could have called.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

That Darn Mouse

On Monday morning we were just getting ready to read scriptures when Kimball said,"A mouse just ran behind the entertainment center." Kimball is a big tease so we went on with our lives and no more sitings of a mouse. Tuesday morning Nick sees a mouse run across the back wall and then under the couch. I see it as it goes into the pantry and then behind the dishwasher. My skin was crawling. It was a big fat black mouse. Disgusting!!! Needless to say as the kids walked out to catch the bus I was on the way to the store to buy mouse traps. We set them and waited. Sophia checked them every five minutes. Finally it was time for bed, she was so freaked out she couldn't sleep in her bed. With great anticipation we checked the traps this morning and no mouse. Ugh! Was I seriously going to have to spend another day in my house with a mouse. Then at about 9:30 this morning we heard a snap. That little bugger was sneaky, he actually got all the cheese off the trap before he stepped on it and got trapped. We are breathing a little easier now. Hopefully my kids have learned their lesson. KEEP THE DOORS SHUT!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Gone But Not Forgotten

Today is my mom's birthday. She would be 60 years old today. She passed away 7 years ago and today I am missing her. She was the best mom ever. Anything that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother. Here are 20 things that I love and miss about my mom....

1. Her smile
2. Her you can do it attitude.
3. Her love for her grandkids.
4. Having someone to talk to anytime.
5. Her friendship.
6. Eating chocolate chips and chips and salsa as a midnight snack.
7. Going to the temple with her.
8. Her inspiring testimony.
9. Her dedication to the gospel.
10. Her endurance and long suffering.
11. Her patience.
12. Her prayers..I believe she always had a prayer in her heart.
13. Her love.
14. Charity..she truly possessed the truly love of Christ to everyone.
15. Her love for the scriptures.
16. Her love of teaching.
17. The confidence she had in her children.
18. Her support throughout my life in all things.
19. Quiet moments.
20. Her example.

To everyone who knew her our lives are better. She may be gone but will never be forgotten.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Starting a Blog

Starting a blog has been on my long list of to-do's for sometime. I love reading everyone else's blogs and find great joy in keeping up with old friends. I have always thought my life to not be all that exciting, so what would I write about? But that is exactly why I want to start one. I need to find more joy in the journey. Life is good and I hope to see even more of it as I write about life at the Potter's as we take one day at a time.