
Friday, October 23, 2009

Sophia Interviews Mr. Thumbtacker

In her increasing attempt to show her big-girl-ness, Sophia has started to answer the telephone when someone calls the house. She is quite the conversationalist and is more than willing to visit with whomever calls. I can only guess what the other part of her conversations sound like, but her side usually starts well enough. An example from a phone call today with an important recruiter trying to contact Mark on a job prospect.

Sophia: Hello

Caller: Is Mark home?

Sophia: What?

Caller: Is Mark home?

Sophia: WHO?!

Caller: Is your daddy home?

Sophia: Who is this?

Caller: Brent Packer.

Sophia: WHO IS IT?

Caller: Brent Packer.

Caller: Is your mommy home?

Next, with the phone still to her mouth, Sophia finds me and says...
"Mom, a thumbtacker wants Dad."

When I finally got to the phone the caller politely told me, "I think your daughter got my name wrong, I'm Brent Packer".

Knowing Sophia it could have been worse... a thumb sucker, a cake baker, or a butt scratcher all could have called.


  1. FYI a ghostwriter wrote this post, it is all true but I would have never written butt scratcher!!! Thanks Mark:)

  2. That is hilarious. Joslyn just usually answers the phone and gives the person a run down of what everyone in the house is doing.

  3. Oh yes, I think I have witnessed talking to Sophia a couple of times on the phone. I miss her.
    Beware of the ghostwriters on blogs. It's a tricky business keeping these blogs under control. :)

  4. Oh yeah, btw- I love your family pictures. They turned out so cute.

  5. That is hilarious! Luckily, I've kept Brooklyn from answering the phone so far. I love that Mark wrote this post too as if you had written it. I did think it was a little "out of character" for you to write butt scratcher so now it makes sense. Haha

  6. That's hilarious! She is such a ham.
    And P.S., the rest of your pics will be done soon, I promise!

  7. Thanks for a good laugh! We miss you guys. I especially miss the kids in primary, you could always count on Sophia for a great comment (spiritual and otherwise) :)
