
Monday, February 8, 2010

Honest Scrap

So I have been awarded the Honest Scrap Award and have been challenged to list 10 honest things about myself, and then award it to 4 other people.

1. I am terrified of water. I remember when my boys started to take swimming lessons when they were little. I walked into the pool and that terrible nauseous feeling came over me just like when I was a child. I almost didn't want to make them take swim lessons because it was so awful when I was a kid. But they are great swimmers now and I love to watch them swim. I am so glad that they were able to do it. Someday I WILL learn to swim. I know I would be so happy if I didn't have this fear.

2. I hate to speak in public. But I must mention I taught Relief Society for the first time and I am alive to tell about it. I honestly didn't know if I could do it. Before I left for church I kept thinking either I am going to throw up or faint. I don't know why this is so hard. I don't think next time it will be as hard.

3. I love treats. I love chocolate, candy, pie, cake, brownies, donuts, ice cream.... I really can't think of a treat I have tasted that I didn't like. Sometimes I curse my Nick for being the candy man because he is always begging to make a treat or go buy one, but he truly is a man after my own heart.

4. I recently realized that I still need a mom. I realize that there are many women in my life who I look up to who kind of in a way mother me. They give me that motherly encouragement that a girl needs. If you have a mom tell her thanks for all she does because you really don't know what you have got until its gone.

5. I have the best husband ever. He always tells me he loves me and the great thing is that I know he really does. We work together well and I feel very blessed to have him as an eternal companion.

6. Sundays stress me out. I know that it is supposed to be a day of rest, but it sure doesn't feel like it sometimes. I think that I just need to be a little more prepared on Saturdays so that I enjoy Sundays more. If you have any tips please pass them along.

7. The last month or so I have felt this incredible need to create...what I know not, but something. I have looked on lots of crafty blogs and there are lots of cute things, but I feel so intimidated. So Nick needed an indian costume for a school program and I made it. It doesn't look professional but I was pretty darn proud of myself. I feel like I can venture out now because if I can make an indian outfit I can certainly make something a little more girly.

8. Mad libs crack me up! One of the kids got a mad libs book from Wendy's (I know one of those stupid kids meal toys!) and the last couple of nights Mark and I have been filling in the blanks. It is just funny and it makes me laugh. I need to lighten up and not be so serious all the time. I guess I should thank Wendy's for giving me a laugh.

9. I love my friends. I have the best friends in the whole world and I miss them very much. I have discovered that friends for a stay at home mom make life so much more bearable. Thanks to all my great friends!

10. I wish I was more spiritual. There are some ladies in my ward that just inspire me. They seem so wise and just understand the gospel inside and out. I am sure that they have paid their dues and are way more diligent than I am.

Now I would like to award the Honest Scrap to:

Heather Hales
Melissa Page
Tia Chapman
Liz Rushton


  1. I'm with you on #6. I always felt like I was up and working almost all day on Sundays. I'm trying to get it to the point where I can just sit down and relax. But I've been doing better. Ever since we started 9:00 church, I can usually get a nap on Sunday!
    And as for #10, you are one of the most spiritual people I know! :)

  2. That wasn't very nice. I guess at least now I will update my blog. I am going to have to think on it and post later. I love your list though. I have loved reading your blog. It is very inspiring, and it is fun to keep up on what is going on since I am not good about keeping in touch.

  3. Congrats on making an Indian costume. I'm impressed! If you can do that than you can do anything!! :)
    I agree with Tia, you are one of the most spiritual people I know too, but I know what you mean. We can always learn more!
    I love Mad Libs as well. I haven't seen one in a long time though. Looks like I need to go to Wendy's. :)

  4. I agree about Sundays. With 9am church, I find myself thinking of reasons I feel crappy (not a morning person could be #1 issue) AND I know better! Still...
    You're wonderful! I had a dream about you the other night - a bunch of us were driving up to see you everyday and finally just decided to all move up there. Hmmm...not a bad idea! The other part of the dream, where we were going to have a dance off with a cheerleading squad that was at a fast food restaurant we took our kids to for lunch...NOT a good idea :) Love you!

  5. #10- Is not true! You are the most spiritual person that I know! You were a great example to me and still are!
