
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I Know Santa Claus is Real!

I am cracking up! My little girls are in their room right now getting ready for bed. For some reason they are discussing whether or not Santa Claus is real. Sophia is saying, "I know Santa Claus is real because I have never seen dad have a beard or a white mustache. You just have to believe or he won't come." Kate is agreeing, "Yeah, dad doesn't have a white beard or mustache." Besides the obvious, mom and dad don't have enough money to buy all that stuff! So funny, I am not fond of having kids think that Christmas is about Santa. However, Santa does make it magical!!


  1. That's cute. I don't have a problem with Santa. He teaches people to give without receiving. And yes, we all know the reason for the season too, but who can deny their kids the magical fun of Santa?

  2. That is so cute. I love listening to what the kids talk about behind closed doors. Their wandering little minds have so many questions and ideas.
    You're right, Santa is magical.
